Syncope paradox in the outcome of patients with pulmonary thromboembolism
- دکتر سیدرضا سیدی
- فوق تخصص قلب و عروق
- ۱۳۹۹/۰۵/۰۱
- 2 دقیقه
Authorship and contributorship:
Seyyedi SR: performed research/study and collected data. Jenab Y: designed research/study and approved the final manuscript. Lotfi Tokaldany M: analyzed data and wrote the paper. Shirani S: contributed important reagents. Sadeghian S: approved the final manuscript. Arash Jalali: analyzed data.
The study was approved by the Tehran Heart Center Institutional Review Board. All the patients gave informed consent for the use of their data in the study. Data do not identify subjects .
Background and Aim
We compare the early and midterm outcomes of pulmonary thromboembolism (PTE ) in patients with and without syncope in our single‐center registry.
Between D ecember 2006 and M ay 2013, 351 consecutive patients (mean age = 60.21 ± 16.91 years, 55.3% male) with confirmed acute symptomatic PTE were divided in with and without syncope groups. Groups were compared in terms of the effect of syncope on 30‐day mortality and adverse events, and mortality in a median follow‐up time of 16.9 months.
From 351 patients, 39 (11.1%) had syncope and 312 (88.9%) did not. Syncope group had less frequently chest pain (30.8% vs 51.4%; P value = 0.015). Also, the rates of 30‐day adverse events and mortality were 12.8% and 5.1% for the group with syncope, and 14.4% and 10.3% for the group without syncope, respectively, with no significant difference. At follow up, 65 patients died and mortality was 18.5% for 351 patients (5.1% in the group with syncope and 20.2% for the other group). After adjustment for confounding factors, the effect of syncope on 30‐day adverse events and mortality remained non‐significant and on the midterm mortality was significant, showing that the presence of syncope was associated with lower midterm mortality (P value = 0.038).
Among PTE patients in our registry, 11.1% presented with syncope. Relationship between syncope and 30‐day adverse events and mortality remained non‐significant after adjustments for other factors. However, in midterm follow up, patients with syncope were significantly at decreased risk of mortality compared to those without syncope.
دکتر سیدرضا سیدی، فوق تخصص قلب و عروق فلوشیپ آنژیوگرافی و آنژیوپلاستی رتبه اول بورد فوق تخصصی از دانشگاه تهران انجام تست ورزش، اکوکاردیوگرافی، هولترریتم و فشارخون
نسرین محسن پور
با سلام و خسته نباشید . بنده از جنوب کشور مزاحمت میشم پوست من نازک و ملتهب و قرمزه لطفا راهنمایی کنید